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January 2025 Top Winners


Our top ten winners were honored at the Gateway Convention Center in Collinsville, IL on January 22, 2025, joined by our Mistress of Ceremonies, First Alert 4 Anchor Taylor Holt, Glendale Police Chief Jeffrey Beaton, St. Louis County Police Department's Captain Anthony Cavaletti, Bridgeton Police Chief Mark Mossotti, and  St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department's Lieutenant Thomas Muldrow. 


Emma Anderson

Delores Moye Elementary School

O'Fallon School District 90


Emma was nominated by Lynae Vahle, who shared this with us, “Teachers answer on average 300-400 questions and make 1,500 decisions a day. How amazing would it be for teachers to have a personal assistant or secretary? I have just that girl!! Emma is my right-hand girl, and I always tease her that she should receive a third of my paycheck. Sometimes, she knows who is missing an assignment, who's no-name paper is on the floor, and who needs additional practice on concepts. She jumps right in to help with any situation and is usually a calm voice needed for those who need a little extra encouragement. She shows great patience and self-control when someone around her gets off task, and she always uses kind words to redirect her peers. It is so heart warm ing to hear her say, "Let me help you, Buddy!" Her peers respond well to her patient and calm, yet “let's get this done”, tone. She helps those around her find their missing papers and then helps them organize their areas for a better workspace, sometimes even before she has her area ready to go.

We have a friend in our class who is chronically tardy, and I cannot tell you how many sweet pictures I have sent to our administration of her peer tutoring him over the concept taught that day. She is compassionate, yet firm, and always guides them through tasks rather than doing it for them. I tell her she would be a wonderful teacher someday, but she replies, "No way!" I know deep down she loves the feeling of others needing and appreciating her talents and willingness to help. When she isn't jumping in to help her peers, she is asking me what she can help me with. She is so responsible in getting her work complete with pride, and then she immediately turns her attention to what she can help others with. I can trust her to run errands around school and complete tasks that need attention to detail and neatness. On top of that, she is a kind soul at home!

She lives on a farm with many animals that she is responsible for ~ feeding, grooming, and monitoring. She shares her stories and videos with our class, and sometimes will ask her family to bring the animals to school for us to see. She brings in homemade baked goods and other little gifts to show her appreciation of her teachers. I could go on and on, because she is a teacher's dream! Emma deserves to be recognized, because she is always doing the right thing instinctively and making our classroom a place where others know they can feel supported from not only the teacher but their peers as well.".

Lucy Forness

Delores Moye Elementary School
O'Fallon School District 90

Kelly Noser, who submitted this nomination stated, “When thinking about the "Do the Right Thing" award, Lucy is the first student to come to mind for easily doing the right thing at all times. The ambition, desire, kindness, and motivation Lucy has is something hard to find. She is the first one to show up for anyone who may need a helping hand or a word of encouragement. She has a heart of gold and comes to school daily with a can-do attitude and big smile on her face, which is often contagious as she walks in the room. She makes our classroom a fun and comfortable place to enter for those needing motivation to get their day started.

Lucy is a friend to all, including all students and helping anyone in need. She has a terrific work ethic, so getting her work complete and with pride is an easy task throughout the day. If she doesn't understand, she will practice and persevere until she does. If it is something she does understand quickly, you will often find her helping her peers. When we had a new friend join our class, she immediately jumped into action by helping him organize his materials, offering him materials he didn't have, being a friend, and helping him understand assignments. She immediately made him feel welcome and part of our class. Lucy's positive attitude, bright smile, and big personality adds so much to our classroom. She is a natural leader, a friendly face, and someone who I can always count on. I believe everyone needs a little bit of Lucy in their life!”


Jael Henderson

Douglas Elementary School

Belleville School District 118 

Katie Kramkowski, who nominated Jael stated, “Jael is such a great student. She comes to school every day and is always happy. She is nice to all of her peers and always helps the teachers in the classroom. She runs all of the errands to the office for me and always has a smile on her face. She does all of her work without complaining (and this was not how it was all of the time last school year!) Jael is a great friend and a great student. Way to do the Right thing ALL the time Jael!!!!”

Amelia Hughes

Douglas Elementary School

Belleville School District 118 

Sheila Trice who nominated her stated, “It was a typical school day and Amelia and her third-grade classmates were in the cafeteria eating lunch, talking, and laughing with one another. While eating, she noticed that one of her friends wasn't saying very much and looked as though she was in distress. Indeed, the other student, who is also a very good friend of Amelia's, was in distress and was choking on her lunch. Amelia stayed calm but knew that she had to do something. So, she immediately got up and got an adult's attention. Ms. Jasmine Nunn is a paraprofessional here at Douglas School and as soon as Amelia told her what was going on with the other student, she went into action. She went over to the student and started performing the Heimlich Maneuver on her and the food that she was choking on came out.

This was a very scary situation for everyone involved, as well as for the students and adults in the cafeteria that witnessed this incident. For their bravery and quick thinking, I feel that both Amelia Hughes and Ms. Jasmine Nunn deserve to be honored with the Do the Right Thing Award.” We agree!


Phoenix Lemmer

Douglas Elementary School

Belleville School District 118

This young lady was nominated by Pamela Mrsich who stated, “Drama Club is a place with lots of needs. And Drama Club needs kids to fill those roles. Fifth grader, Phoenix Lemmer, does just that! Need someone to help choose costumes? Phoenix has great ideas! Need someone to help a new Drama Club member learn the ropes? Phoenix is our person. Need someone to help with the little kids? Phoenix will do it! Need someone to fill-in onstage for someone who is absent? Phoenix will volunteer! Need help moving props, scenery, and organizing the stage? Phoenix is there! Need someone to both act and pull the curtain? Phoenix is on it!

Phoenix joined Drama Club two years ago as a newbie. She was shy and reserved. She worked to improve herself each practice, and by the performance date, she was confident and ready! Last year, Phoenix came to us with gusto, eager to play a certain role, and she did not disappoint. She made the character her own and showed such leadership! This season, Phoenix is prepared and ready. Her hard work over the last two years has paid-off!

I always know I can count on Phoenix to show leadership and offer help when needed. She quite often asks at the beginning of each practice if there is anything she can do to help the sponsors. She serves as a great role model for other members. She is excited and dedicated to our end goal. This is exactly what our Tiger Core Values ask of us: Be responsible. Be respectful. Be honest. Be kind.

A Drama Club program needs leaders like Phoenix who strive to help others and serve as a leader. We are so lucky to have Phoenix as a member. Her light shines bright at Drama Club!” 

Molly Massey

Union School 

Belleville School District 118

Molly was nominated for this award by Kristen Turner who stated, “Molly is a sixth-grade student that comes to my third-grade classroom every morning at 8:00 am to work with 2 of my girls. She not only gets to school early for this, but she is also very reliable and truly helps them with reading fluency. She helps them blend the sounds to pronounce the words correctly and asks them questions while they read. She starts everyday asking them how they are doing, what they had for breakfast, or if anything good is going on.

She probably doesn't even know that teachers passing by have noticed her positively working with the girls and have told me what an outstanding helper she is! She is not only helping two of my students academically, but also emotionally. I can honestly say that my third graders are both becoming better readers because of Molly's dedication to them. They look forward to working with her every morning. They enjoy her helpfulness, but I think they enjoy her friendship more! Her kindness and willingness to help others means so much to us here at Union!” 


Bryan Pastor

Mann Elementary School
St. Louis Public Schools District

Bryan’s story was shared with us by Katy Sjerven, who nominated him, stating, “I'd like to nominate Brian Pastor for the Do The Right Thing Award. A classmate was having a stressful few minutes and Brian hopped right in to help. He respected his classmate's personal space so they could calm down while Brian gathered their spilled belongings. After sharing this with other teachers I was told Bryan is often a great friend and wonderful helper.

Brian's ability to quietly help someone in need is a stellar example of how to do the right thing!”    

Frank Werner  

Wolf Branch Elementary School 
Wolf Branch School District 113 

Frank was nominated by Jennifer Poirot, who stated, “Frank is an amazing friend and always doing the right thing! However, one situation in particular that stood out was something that happened on the playground at 3rd grade recess, Friday, December 6th. The students were bundled up in winter coats and hats at recess as it was cold outside. One of his classmates was on the ground nestled between a post and a piece of equipment. When he ran by, he realized his friend was stuck and because his coat was big and bulky, it was pulling against his neck and preventing him from calling for help. As soon as he realized this, he ran for help and both Frank and the playground supervisor helped free the student from the piece of equipment.

Both Frank and the student were overwhelmed with emotion once they realized how serious the situation was.

I am extremely proud of Frank's quick reaction and not only his willingness to get an adult to help, but sticking with it himself and being a huge help to free the student.”


Watch the ceremony here. 

Do The Right Thing of Greater St. Louis

1915 Olive Blvd.

St. Louis, MO 63103


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